I have to agree with President Harman's remarks as he opened our rehearsal. He stated that there is a Spirit that you all bring in that is unquestionable and that as you warm up your voices in song, that Spirit radiates and becomes essentially untouchable.
Our special visitor this evening was changed at last minute and so we were blessed tonight with Sister Carol McConkie who is currently serving as the 1st Counselor in the Young Women's General Presidency. She gave us an incredible spiritual thought this evening.
In 2 Nephi 31: 14 she quoted "After ye have repented of your sins, and witnessed unto the Father that ye are willing to keep my commandments, by the baptism of water, and have received the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghoast, and an speak with a new tongue, yea, even with the tongue of angels." She told us that as we prepare for this very special and important Broadcast that you will be able to be attended to by angels and that your voices will be as tongues of angels singing. This gave me chills to my toes! Again, as a non-singing member of the choir, the sounds that come out of you as a choir are already angelic so imagine what is yet to come. I can hardly wait!
She spent her morning with the Sister missionaries at the MTC and shared with us that the Spirit that she felt while being with them was as equal to the Spirit that you all brought with you tonight as you were warming up your voices.
She also then reached into the D&C Section 25: 12 "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart, yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads". Sisters, we were reminded that as long as we remain true to who we are and we are willing to continue our commitment and dedication to this amazing choir, that blessings will come to us. Sister McConkie closed her thought by letting each of us know individually that our Heavenly Father is mindful of each one of us as individuals but also a choir. He will not us down as long as we continue to have Faith in Him.
Our 'What to Wear' was touched on again as well. Although your packet states 'nude' pantyhose, the choir will need the following:
Primary Aged Girls (8-12): Black tights
Young Women Aged Girls (12-18): Off Black Pantyhose
Relief Society Aged Women (18+): Off Black Pantyhose
Nylons are not an option when you perform in the Conference Center. Please be prepared to come to our next rehearsal, September 7, in the clothes you want to have approved for the Broadcast. Once approved we are asking that you continue to wear your Broadcast clothes to each rehearsal from that point on. That will allow for those that are seeing you all from the pulpit to help determine where colors will need to be dispersed.
Sister Tall proved yet again that there are many reasons to love her. This beautiful young gal, Ainsley, missed her own birthday party last Sunday to make it to rehearsal. When Sister Tall heard this she knew we all needed to recognize the determination and sacrifice this young lady made so...you all sang Happy Birthday to her! How awesome and an experience this young woman will not soon forget.
I have to tell you that tonight what took me back most was as I caught glimpses of Mothers helping their Daughters with different parts of the music. It made my heart just melt! I couldn't help but think how incredibly awesome this experience would be to share with your Mother or your Daughter.
You could just see how they wanted it to be the best for their daughters and I loved being able to sit back and watch as it all unfolded. Thank you for allowing those of us 'behind the scenes' to take in what you are working so hard to pull together!
Last but certainly not least, let us continue to remember that for many of us this will be a once in a lifetime experience and one that we won't ever forget. We recognize the sacrifice that you are making to be here each week and the work and sacrifice that those at your homes are making to ensure you being able to be with us. We know the time commitment this takes but as Sister Burton said last week and as Sister McConkie reiterated tonight, blessings will come to those of you that are willing to make this sacrifice for your Heavenly Father. :)
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