Rehearsal Music

Monday, August 25, 2014

Rehearsal Music is HERE!

Sister Tall has come through! She has delivered the rehearsal music as promised and I have officially got it uploaded onto the blog. I apologize it was not up earlier but I had to call in some recruits to make it all happen.

At the top of the blog underneath the picture you will see two (2) tabs. One is labeled 'Home' and the other 'Rehearsal Music'. Click on the Rehearsal Music tab and you will have the videos to play and sing along to practice with.

I didn't want these to get lost in the shuffle as more posts were being added so they will remain on their own tab for the purpose of being able to quickly access those pieces for you. If you cannot for whatever reason access these, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible. Also, if you or someone you know of does not have access to the internet on a regular basis, again, please let me know so we can get you a CD burned of the songs so you can continue to rehearse. My contact information is below:

Jennifer Eborn

A HUGE Thank You yet again to Sister Tall for getting us this music!!! Good luck as you each continue to rehearse. See you in a few weeks. :)

1 comment:

  1. My daughter and i have some different parts. I notice the recordings only play sections of the piece that apply to the recorded part. Having a recording of just the accompaniment for each piece would be nice--to be able to practice singing from beginning to end with the recording. Either alone or together with my daughter.
