Rehearsal Music

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dress Approval Success and LOTS of Updates

Holy cow you guys! You were AMAZING on Sunday and your apparel was spot on. I was stressing for each and every one of you these last few weeks and I prayed that all would work out and it did! I cannot tell you how beautiful you looked from the front of the chapel. I found myself completely taken back at how powerful you sound with your voices and included this week was just a complete sense of unity as you all blended even more so in your attire. You ladies have created the most beautiful choir and I feel so blessed to be able to continue to be a part of this each and every week.

Thank you for arriving early and for coming in your outfits. Those of you that we have worked with since last night, thank you. I know being told 'no' was not easy but I am grateful for your patience and understanding as we try to get the look just perfect. Please know we are not trying to be picky but rather we are trying to fulfill the wants of our beloved First Presidency and the other Boards that serve.

LOTS of updates took place this week and I want to touch on each of those but first lets talk about how wonderful our Spiritual Thought was that we were able to listen to by Sister Reeves. I loved how she talked about the story in the Ensign on how this Missionary 40 years after serving returned to visit. While he was visiting there was an opportunity to have a talent show. Things were going well until one gentleman took his particular talent on a sideways path. This missionary began having thoughts and offering internal prayers to our Heavenly Father on what he could do to make this a better experience. The thought came to him very clearly that he would share a talent that he continued to pray would change the course in which this was headed. When his turn arrived he began to sing "I Am a Child of God" and before he knew it others were joining him in their own language. The spirit of the meeting was changed with a simple song.

Sister Reeves reminded us again that although this broadcast will be seen around the world, and the words spoken will be translated into the appropriate language, the music will not. When the words that come out of your voices are in English, they will remain in English. You have the power in your countenance and in your voice to change the life of maybe just one person, maybe one hundred, the number could be uncountable. As a music lover myself, I have to tell you that I couldn't agree more with her! You each touch my heart, down to my soul, each week. I cannot imagine the impact you will make as you present these incredible pieces during the Broadcast.


Dress Rehearsal at the Conference Center: Saturday, September 20th

- You will need to be at Door #8 on the West Side at 8:30am for check in. This is where you will receive your credentials for the following week along with the tickets as promised.
- You will need to be in your Broadcast approved attire.
- Your family members are invited to come join us as we have this rehearsal. Please have those members enter through Doors #15 and #16

Broadcast Performance Day: Saturday, September 27

- Please plan your carpool plans now. There will be limited parking and parking passes available at the Conference Center. Please get with your ward coordinators to make sure you have arranged getting yourself and/or the younger children in your wards in a carpool.
- If you have Primary aged girls who are the only members in their family performing, please get them a 'Choir Buddy' within the choir so they know they have someone to account for them. 
- You will need to arrive at Doors #1 and #3 at 2:00pm. This is for members of the choir only.
- We will be having a light lunch/dinner (linner??!) at the Conference Center. Those of you with any kind of allergy that did not speak with Sister Crockett on Sunday, please please please find her this next week and touch basis with her!
- If your daughter is singing and you are not, you will not be allowed inside the Conference Center when she is dropped off. You will need to be in line and enter with the General Public at 4:30pm.

Rehearsal Request for Younger Girls

It has been brought to Sister Tall's attention that some of our younger Primary aged girls are having a very difficult time seeing Sister Tall during rehearsal. We are asking that from this point forward, if you have Primary aged girls singing that are with you, in your care, are your daughters, etc to please find a place to sit up front with them so this is not a continual problem. If you do not have any of these younger girls we are asking that you allow the front seats to be open for them. We want to give these sweet girls the best opportunity we can and by allowing them to see Sister Tall and follow her direction that would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Sardine Friends

Thank you thank you! for squishing in and becoming close sardine friends this week. Sister Winder is absolutely right in that the acoustics in the building are not so fantastic but by your cooperation and willingness to work together, this weeks sounds were even better than they have been. Please continue to file in and get cozy with your fellow choir member.

Wardrobe Needs

We still have a few ladies who are looking for tops so if you have any extras you are willing to loan or donate, please let me know. A call, text, or email works and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. There is a Sister who called me who has a 4x Burgundy top and I have misplaced your phone number. If you still have that top, can you contact me? I have another Sister who could use that if it is still around.

CD's of Rehearsal Music

I have been busy burning CD's of the rehearsal music for those of you who stopped by at the end of practice last night. I ended up with over 50 to burn so rather than try to hand deliver each of these to you, I am happy to arrange a time with you to stop by my home this week or I will also have them at rehearsal on Sunday. If you want to stop by, please call or text and I will make it work to get it picked up.

Phew...I think that is all (for now!). Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication to this choir. Each and every one of you brings something different to this and that is what continues to make you sound angelic as you sing these beautiful arrangements. We will continue to pray for each of you to be able to learn, memorize, and take to heart each of these pieces as you work throughout the week on them. We love you and are grateful for each and every one of you.


  1. Can I request a CD? I was hoping to download it, but it doesn't look like that has ever become an option. Thank you! --Angela Harris

    1. Hi Angela. YES! I will have one for you on Sunday. :)
